Networking event benefits Girls Inc. Of Alameda
On Wednesday, March 13th, Northern CA Women of Compass and 181 Fremont Celebrated Women’s History Month by hosting a networking event for leading agents in the region who helped to raise funds for Girl’s Inc. Of Alameda. A non profit organization that helps to empower the young female generation of our society to be strong, smart, and bold through academic engagement, healthy living and leadership development. The group successfully raised over $2,000 that will go directly back to the program to help the fund additional program resources.

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography

Ando Caulfield for Drew Altizer Photography