Ando, the renowned skateboarding and culture photographer known for capturing the best skaters and souls of cities around the world, unveiled an innovative arts activation, BEHIND THE CURTAIN, presented in association with non-profit organization Value Culture at the Institute of Contemporary Art San Francisco on Saturday August 19th.
BEHIND THE CURTAIN, the one day only interactive photo installation featured photographers from all over the globe. The show attracted over 750 attendees throughout the night. It was one of the most popular and well attended events in the history of the ICA SF. The show evolved over the evening through a constant rotation of photographs becoming only a memory for those who were there to witness it. Every 15 minutes a photo was dramatically torn from the walls with another photo appearing underneath. A full museum gallery with hundreds of pieces hanging on the walls at 5pm became empty by 9pm. Fortunate attendees who arrived on time were surprised to be able to take a piece from the show home for free, all 1 of 1 postered photo prints.