WHEN YOU CAN’T BREAK BREAD TOGETHER, BEAM YOUR kitchen to friends over Zoom. Last fall, nine Bay Area chefs paired with the nonprofit Beyond Differences for eight weekly cooking classes called “We Still Dine Together Home Edition”. At $99 per episode, viewers with recipes and ingredients followed along as an award-winning chef cooked at home. The Foodie Chap Liam Mayclem hosted. Some $50,000 was raised for the nonprofit’s No One Eats Alone program, which helps middle school students combat social isolation by encouraging them to eat with kids they don’t know. Popular Dominique Crenn drew a whopping 100 households.

Jean-Christophe Bourguignon, research and development chef at Petit Crenn, and Dominique Crenn, co-owner and chef, Atelier Crenn, and chef-proprietor, Petit Crenn

A video crew films the cooking class for Zoom viewers

The trio strike a playful note in the kitchen

Mayclem and Crenn give home viewers a closer look at meal preparation

Host Liam Mayclem and Dominique Crenn, chef and co-owner of 3-Michelin-starred Atelier Crenn

Beet tartare

Dominique Crenn, chef and co-owner of Atelier Crenn, blows a kiss

Liam Mayclem, The Foodie Chap and event host