The next frontier is here in physics, technology, and product design
A few months ago, Resonant Technologies Group (RTG) was planning which of the company’s technologies—all of them potentially paradigm-shifting—would be launched first in the coming year. When COVID-19 emerged, they immediately pivoted to focus on the most important solutions the world needed now. RTG, a technology incubator and accelerator, finds geniuses who need help manifesting their visions into reality and commercial viability. Now in the post-COVID world, they are preparing to launch two solutions for COVID: a voice detection application and a serum that spurs an innate immune response to the virus. This Sausalito-based innovator is making its mark.

RTG’s Founder and CEO Mark Hinds and President and CIO Roland Vandermeer help foster and build one of the most exciting portfolios of companies in the world. In the early 2000s, when the concept of resonance physics seemed like a vision from Star Trek, Hinds was invited to hear scientist Nassim Haramein give a 6-hour talk on physics. The presentation changed the course of Hinds’ life and work.
“I didn’t even know how to spell ‘physics’ at the time,” Hinds jokes. “Listening to Nassim’s unique perspective on where energy comes from, how matter organizes, where many of the phenomena we’re today experiencing comes from, I realized this advanced understanding of physics had the opportunity to change every issue we’re dealing with in the world today.”

In 2003, Hinds helped Haramein found the Resonance Project Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization that provides a framework for resonance physics ideas and projects undertaken by Haramein and his colleagues. The foundation has served as a communication tool for the science behind the technologies at RTG. After almost 14 years of funding and developing various technologies, RTG was formed by Hinds and Vandermeer to help bring 12 different paradigm-shifting companies to market. The team combined over 40 doctors, scientists, engineers, and business professionals focused on three critical areas: health, environment, and energy.
After a 20-year venture career in early stage communications funding such companies as Broadcom and a decade of real asset investing in water, agriculture, waste, and energy, Vandermeer met Hinds and recognized not only the value of the technologies, but also the potential to create systemic change in the world, change that sustainable investment investors would jump on if they could see the potential. “Not only does resonance physics answer many of the questions that are left open by the standard model of physics; but, these technologies, working with nature, enable us as a species to begin to thrive with nature, not against it,” Vandermeer explained. Directly confronting the issues and unprecedented times of COVID-19 has rapidly placed RTG’s expansive ideas and over a decade of research on the front line. Hinds and Vandermeer have seen not only a societal acceptance for broader thinking, but also an eagerness to bring forth solutions.

“When coronavirus first hit, we brought all our people together on a call to discuss the significance of this event. And we saw this not as an ‘opportunity,’ but rather as an ‘expansion;’ and, by that, I mean an expansion of recognizing that the current solutions many people are working on … aren’t solutions, just a patch on a broken system. So, maybe there’s a better way,” Hinds says.
Across its portfolio, two of the 12 companies in RTG’s stable are positioned to turn futuristic thinking into real-time solutions for COVID. One company, Divina Biotech, focuses on immune-based solutions, including a product called Paravi, which works with the science of immunology and “immune modulating,” a process that allows the innate intelligence of the immune system to function at a high level. “It’s a wide-spectrum, antiviral technology and, in a lab, it seems to be capable of being a significant tool to help resolve COVID-19,” Hinds says of Paravi. Human trials are beginning in Australia this month. RTG is in conversation with two other countries for further trials.
For a more immediate solution, RTG’s work with California-based Sonaphi ( uses one’s own voice to detect the presence or absence COVID-19. This technology can analyze voice frequency and information the voice contains. Sonaphi’s many-year quest to provide a revolutionary health algorithm has instantly perched the RTG-backed company at the forefront of the coronavirus testing frontier.
The research and concept leading to Sonaphi has been in development for almost two decades,” Hinds says. “Three years ago, we started fully developing it with a pretty significant breakthrough in understanding how to gain this access of information from the human voice.
In months past, Sonaphi was readying to release its first voice frequency commercial product. Set for debut this upcoming summer, the tool comes in the form of a mobile application providing analysis on sleep, energy, physical condition, brain function, and stress.
That has changed entirely. RTG shifted its entire Soniphi focus. “When COVID-19 came, we saw a chance to be a positive impact on how this pandemic unfolds. We can help here,” Hinds says. “So, every single person in all facets of the Soniphi project stopped everything they were doing. In a span of a few months, we’ve pivoted everything to focus on COVID-19 detection and development of an app that will allow people to analyze whether they are exhibiting the frequency or symptoms of COVID-19.”
The company is working with the FDA to validate the process, techniques, and accuracy of the technology. Because of their approach, they anticipate being able to match any gold standard that all biological tests do for detection. Hinds explains, “A frequency from the body is the equivalent of a biomarker; and once you understand and can delineate these, you know you have it.” Sonaphi is also seeking a fast-track approval called the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). The app will record 30 seconds of one’s voice and send the recording to the processing backend which, in a matter of seconds, returns a result. The name and profile of the user is always secure and separated from the data for privacy purposes and HIPPA compliance. As of this writing, the app will be released to the world early this fall.
The app will record 30 seconds of one’s voice and send the recording to the processing backend which, in a matter of seconds, returns a result.
They also plan to have a commercial enterprise version available, which we believe is of great importance right now. This tool can provide an instantaneous analysis enabling a company to allow somebody to enter the building or not, based on their results. The goal is to move the economy and move back to coherency very, very fast.
RTG also has a derma patch company, SourceWave, which offers five different bio-frequency patches to prominent brands. These help relieve pain and support sleep, energy, immunity, and tranquility. All are natural and contain only the information and frequency of many natural ingredients. The surprising thing is they work incredibly well. Many top athletes as well as ordinary individuals swear by them. The results speak for themselves. That said, SourceWave is running clinical trials on all of them to proclaim what the results have shown.

Another amazing company in the RTG portfolio, Cell Code, is one of the most innovative and, curiously, less invasive stem cell treatments in the world. The progress and results they are seeing will be revealed to the world in 2021. In agriculture, RTG’s star is Agriculturally, which applies their knowledge of water and frequency to plants. With their approach and equipment, the company is working with the largest almond, potato, oat, and grape growers and seeing reduction in water use from 30 to 50 percent with a commensurate reduction in amendments and pest control. We could go on about the entire portfolio in water, mining, energy storage, generation, etc., but that would take too long. Everything the firm does is in resonance with nature. Working with nature and understanding the principles of the physics are what tie it all together. We highly recommend reaching out to the team or at least visiting the website at
Given the current state of the world, we need new, audacious ideas and a fresh outlook on what is possible. One need look no further than these bold inventors and their backers. In a world of societal skepticism, these ideas once considered unfeasible and unrealistic have found sudden embrace. Fiction has met fact. The Enterprise has landed. “To bring about an entirely new level of thinking isn’t so easy; but when people look into our science now, they’re incredibly open to new ideas, because we need solutions,” Hinds says. “This pandemic, the power of this event, has motivated many people to look beyond what they might normally be comfortable looking at. This type of forward thinking is happening at a very significant level right now.”
This pandemic, the power of this event, has motivated many people to look beyond what they might normally be comfortable looking at. This type of forward thinking is happening at a very significant level right now.

Mr. Hinds is a successful serial entrepreneur who advocates new thinking in science which has speci c implications in human health, energy, and agriculture, He has a long track record of growing businesses and making them pro table; rst in the real estate sector, turning $16.8M into $128M (Exit) and later in health and energy companies, through Novus Via, a $20M fund that has quadrupled in 5 years.

Mr. Van der Meer has 20+ years experience of venture early-stage investing, 10 years of real asset investing in agriculture and water, and has managed $2+Billion capital with overa 20% IRR personal track record. Mr. Van der Meer is passionate about nding scalable solutions to the critical problems that we face as a society.